We the People
Apr 21, 2020 01:12PM ● By Daniela JaegerTogether we will emerge stronger than before
The most difficult thing—but an essential one—is to love Life,to love it even while one suffers, because Life is all. Life is God,
and to love Life means to love God. —Leo Tolstoy
Every day I find myself asking: Where is the balance in the media coverage of the pandemic, as its path across the country continues? How do we keep a clear head when bombarded with panic-inducing news reports and devastating stories about the helplessness of people? And what will our nation look like when this passes?
Although some may try to use the crisis to their advantage at the expense of others, most people are focused on the health and safety of their family and friends, and what is happening within their communities. People are reaching out to help—a lot—and unfortunately, it’s often overshadowed by negative and disputatious media coverage.
Then, I recall 911. Another world-changing event—although different in nature—that impacted us in ways we couldn’t imagine. However, afterwards we saw the world differently. We realized we had to change, particularly the way we travel, and we adopted new standards within the travel and airline industries.
Now the whole world is facing a different crisis, an invisible threat called COVID-19. Already we are experiencing its impact on our health, our personal lives, our businesses, our jobs, and our pocketbooks. Not only here in Southwest Florida but across the country and the whole world, its reach is felt, leaving people speechless.
How we come together to combat this threat will impact our future as a nation. I want to share with you a few sage words from Queen Elizabeth’s eloquent speech on April 5: “I hope in years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge.”
There’s an old axiom about what to do when you’re faced with a potentially devastating event. It says people are motivated to either “fight or flight.” Americans will, no doubt, fight—it’s just whether we do it united or in discord.
At a time like this, we need to remember the phrase “We the People” from the preamble of the United States Constitution. We, along with those serving us in government, need to unite and work in harmony to overcome the current challenges we face. Going forward I hope everyone can see that these challenges are not about any political party, but rather, about how “We the People” come together to deal with the crisis. If we unite as a community, as we did after 911 and Hurricane Irma, we will get the job done. Our businesses will open their doors and once again provide jobs to “We the People.” Our children will return to school. And tourists will come back to enjoy beautiful Southwest Florida.
Although we were not prepared for this storm, let us work with each other to prepare for what comes next. In unison we can help all the communities that make up Southwest Florida, our neighbors, and our businesses come out of this stronger. “We the People” can rise above it.
We are thankful to everyone, especially our doctors, health care professionals, and essential businesses, for staying strong and helping us weather the crisis.
Let’s not forget that we are all in this together, and like a network that is interconnected, we depend on each other. With this understanding, “We the People” can prove by acting with prudence, courage, temperance and fairness that we are capable of working together to build an even stronger network.
I thank you, our loyal subscribers, our advertisers and clients, and our wonderful TOTI team of creative professionals, editors, contributors and associates.
Let us pray every day for family and friends from all around the world.
Daniela J. Jaeger
Group Publisher, TOTI Media