On the Run in Fort Myers Beach: Where to Get Your Heart Rate Up
Jan 27, 2022 01:02PM ● By ANN MARIE O’PHELAN

Now is the best time of year to get outside and pound the pavement, sand, or trails. There are runs, tours, and fantastic places to enjoy aerobic exercise. Runners and walkers alike reduce stress, lose weight, improve heart health, and lift their spirits. Here is a selection of activities and places where you can go the distance.
March 12, 2022, 9-10 am
Runners and walkers head over the Matanzas Bridge twice while fans cheer them on. The start and finish lines are at Doc Ford's, Fort Myers Beach. The one-mile Kids Run on the beach is the first Saturday in March. For information, contact organizer Betty Rodriguez at [email protected].

Sanibel and Captiva
Cape Coral
January 22, 2022
Packet pickup: 6:30-8 am; race: 8 am
Fort Myers
February 19, 2022, 5 pm